The new WB7FID repeater:

The Repeater Controller and Audio/Video Processing System

The Repeater Controller:

The controller for the WB7FID Repeater
The controller for the WB7FID ATV repeater

The repeater controller system is being built in several stages: Currently, a simple controller based on a PIC16C84 (on the left) is being completed. This controller can select one of four video sources and one (or more) of three audio sources to be output. It can individually control the Visual and Aural transmitter, effect a powerdown mode of the repeater and shut off some of the auxiliary equipment not needed in a standby mode, receive configuration and control information via an FM control link, and provide status feedback of the repeater's current state.
In the (hopefully) near future, work will begin on a more sophisticated controller - but a slave to the simpler PIC-based controller - that will provide more functions, remotely programmable overlay and graphic capability, remote program uploads, and interfacing with other systems at the site. Details are still being worked out.

Audio/Video Processing System

The Video routed from the controller will be passed to a Video processor for Sync and Chroma regeneration. From this, a blackburst signal (and H/V timing) will be used to genlock and overlay ID.

Sync regeneration is necessary on an amateur television repeater because of the varying quality of the signals being put into it. For example, many amateur signals have compressed sync, or will have noisy video. The modulator needs to have a fairly clean sync on its incoming video in order to properly perform the needed DC restoration prior to being modulated and transmitted.

Audio processing is in the design/discussion stage. The intent is to provide remotely adjustable gain, signal routing and mixing, and adjustable soft and hard clipping. This is expected improve the quality and consistency of the repeated audio.

Keep watching this page, as it will be updated as time goes on...Do you have any questions/comments about what you have just read? If so, please email me and make an ask of yourself...

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