The new WB7FID repeater:

The InterFacility Link (IFL) System

Block diagram of the InterFacility Link (IFL) System
Block diagram of the IFL system

What is this IFL system and why is it needed, anyway?

The new repeater will be located on Farnsworth Peak in the Oquirrh (pronounced 'Oh-Kerr') range, 18 miles southwest of downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. At about 9000 feet, this site commands a good view over much of Northern Utah, covering the Wasatch Front from Payson, Utah to north of the Utah-Idaho border and west into parts of Northeastern Nevada.

Most of the local FM broadcast stations have their transmitters on this site, not to mention the presence of 4 television stations and many many paging, remote base, and other land-mobile transmitters. Because of this, the RF noise level on the site is quite high and can have a tendency to mask weak signals.

In the early 1980's, when the Utah Amateur Radio Club (UARC) installed a 2 meter repeater on site (now on 146.02/62 - and you can read the exciting story of the repeater's installation here) it was decided to locate the receiver some distance to the north, down the ridge from the main transmit site. This horizontal and vertical separation greatly reduced receiver noise floor and even today this repeater is one of the best around from a sensitivity standpoint. It is not unreasonable to work it handie-talkie w/rubber duck from over 60 miles away.

On establishment of the remote site, power and signals need to be transferred between the two. Since it was decreed to be a receive-only site, it was decreed that NO transmitters (of any kind!) were to be permitted. Fortunately the two sites are close enough (approximately 500 feet) that wire may used for an interconnection. When a connection this long is made between two sites, especially on a mountaintop (i.e. a lightning magnet!) special precautions need to be made:
Putting all of this information together, we have a repeater that:

This can complicate things. Since the receive site is outdoors atop a mountain, one must enclose and protect all of the receive equipment. It must also be able to tolerate the very wide temperature variations (from -30 to 120 degrees F) and still operate. Power must be supplied and control, audio, and video signals must be sent down via AC-coupled lines.

For power, low voltage AC is available and this may be upconverted to standard 120VAC to operate equipment, or the equipment may be designed to operate directly from that voltage. For audio, video, and control signals, the solution is not quite as simple. If it were just audio, one could carefully use standard audio transformers to move audio along twisted-pair lines. Control might even be encoded as an audio signal, too, but what about video? Remember that the medium one uses for transmitting video must have a bandwidth extending from under a few hertz to about over 4 MHz and be well-behaved in terms of amplitude, phase and delay!

Since over-the-air transmission of video (on any band) is not an option, we must string cable and transmit on that. Owing to previously-stated conditions, it would have to be balanced line, so twinaxial cable is being used. Having such an RF conduit, it made sense to make all other signals RF as well...

The IFL baluns
Exterior view of balun
Exterior view of the IFL balun

As mentioned above all signals must be balanced. Because we need to transmit video, they will need to be RF. These baluns below perform the necessary conversion from a 50 ohm unbalanced (coax) line to 100 ohm (balanced) line. In addition to performing the balun function several important design features have been added to protect the equipment connected to it from lightning:

Interior view of balun
Interior view of the IFL balun

Great care has been taken on these baluns to optimize their performance. For example, the tap-point of the Faraday shields have been carefully selected to maximize common-mode rejection at higher frequencies. There is also a small trimmer-potentiometer at one end of the Faraday shield to null out imbalance in the Faraday shield itself caused by the proximity of the unbalanced secondary to further enhancing the longitudinal isolation of the system.

IFL Video Modulator and Demodulator
External view of IFL video transmitter
External view of the 40 MHz IFL video modulator

The IFL (InterFacility Link) video modulator (above) frequency-modulates the received video onto an RF carrier. This is one of two that are planned and it operates on a center frequency of 40 MHz.
This modulator has a very sharp input video lowpass filter to keep wideband noise modulated on the 40 MHz carrier from making it take up too much bandwidth on the video IFL system. This lowpass filter has a cutoff frequency of 5.5 MHz and it has been delay-equalized to prevent distortion of the video signal. The signal is then pre-emphasized in a conventional manner to boost the high-frequency components of the video before modulation. It is then amplified to several volts peak-to-peak and applied to an NE564 to frequency-modulate the carrier.
Internal view of IFL video modulator
Internal view of the 40 MHz IFL video modulator

Because the NE564 uses an R/C oscillator (and for other reasons...) it is not particularly frequency-stable with temperature. To keep it on frequency a PLL is employed (the diagonally-mounted board.) This modulator has been tested from a cold-start at 10 degrees F to an operating temperature of over 150 degrees F and found to be very stable.

On the receiving end of the IFL there is the matching receiver. This also uses an NE564, but as a demodulator.
About 80 db of gain is used prior to the demodulator to bring it up to limiting: Two cascaded MAR-6 MMICs are used in the first stages, followed by an MC1350.
When being constructed, it was noted that the demodulator output of the NE564 was of very high impedance. It was not enough to just hang an emitter follower on it but a complementary pair, along with a compensating capacitor, was required to get it to work well. This output is followed by a lowpass filter identical to that in the modulator to get rid of noise and carrier bleed-through. The signal is amplified, run through a de-emphasis network to attenuate and compensate for the pre-emphasis at the transmit end and then amplified to proper video levels.
Internal view of IFL video demod
Internal view of the 40 MHz IFL video demodulator

When tested, this demodulator worked reasonably well over a very wide temperature range, but since it is free-running, it is confined to within its lock range. As a system, the following attributes were measured:

From a broadcast-TV standpoint, that Video Signal/Noise ratio is nothing great and is largely characteristic of the NE564 demodulator: Other demodulator schemes are being studied to replace it. Keep in mind that a good consumer-grade video camera typically as a 48 db video Signal to Noise ratio. One should also remember that the average ATVer's transmitter will probably knock that S/N ratio down into the high 30's of db (at best!) by the time it leaves the antenna. Even if the ATVer were to transmit a broadcast-quality video signal it would have to be of P5 strength in order to be better than that 45db figure, anyway.

It should be noted that the audio information is not carried as a subcarrier on the video carrier. To carry a subcarrier on the video would reduce the signal-to-noise ratio because of intrinsic non-linearities as well as increasing the power-bandwidth of the carrier. It would also make the audio signal more vulnerable to wideband noise in the video passband. For this reason, the audio carriers are entities unto themselves. The audio carrier modulators/demodulators are still being constructed.

IFL Filters:
Frequency diagram of the IFL system
Frequency diagram of the IFL system

External view of TX site IFL filterInternal view of TX Site IFL Filter
External and internal views of the Transmit site IFL filter assembly

The IFL system is designed to be able to carry 2 FM video carriers and a multitude of audio and control carriers. The primary video carrier is centered on 40 MHz and has a peak deviation of approximately 4 MHz while the secondary video carrier is centered on 19 MHz with a peak deviation of 3 MHz. Between 1 and 8 MHz are the audio and control carriers: These are typically WFM (75 KHz deviation) and are arranged such that the harmonics of the lower frequency carriers do not fall near the center frequencies of the higher-frequency carriers.
Passband of TX-site IFL filter - High video
A spectrum analyzer sweep of the Transmit-site IFL filter, High Video passband. The 3, 10, and 20 db bandwidths are 27, 30, and 34 MHz respectively with the center at 41 MHz.

There are two IFL Filter assemblies: The one at the Receive site, and the one at the Transmit site.

The IFL filter assembly at the receive site (not shown) is primarily responsible for limiting the bandwidth of the signals being modulated there. They confine the video signal to their respective bandwidths, and low-pass filter the 1-8 MHz audio/control carrier system. The signals coming from the various modules are combined via ferrite hybrid combiners, passed through a main highpass/lowpass filter assembly (at approximately 55 MHz and 1 MHz, respectively) and sent to the balun.
Passband of TX-site IFL filter - Low video
A spectrum analyzer sweep of the Transmit-site IFL filter, Low video passband. The 3, 10, and 20 db bandwidths are 17.5, 19, and 23 MHz respectively with the center at 19 MHz.

Since Farnsworth Peak is the home of a TV channel 5, there is also a notch filter tuned to this frequency. Additionally, the lowpass filters are of the elliptical type, with the notches chosen to correspond with the 2 meter band: This is just a precaution in case any IFL energy were to escape from the twinax system.

The IFL filter assembly at the transmit site (shown above) is more complicated in that its filters are much sharper (see the spectrum analyzer displays.) Their purpose is to provide the noise-bandwidth limiting of the video carriers prior to FM limiting. The main lowpass filter on this assembly is also of the elliptical type, with its notches landing in the middle of the TV channel 5 passband providing over 60 db of attenuation.
Passband of TX-site IFL filter - Audio/Control lowpass
A spectrum analyzer seep of the Audio/Control lowpass filter passband: -3db at 9.8 MHz, and -10db at 10.8 MHz. Note the cutoff below 1 MHz, as well.

Common to both filter assemblies is two audio/control carrier input/output ports and a test port. The two audio/control ports accommodate the presence of both receive and transmission of subcarriers from each site. The ferrite combiners provide a degree of isolation above and beyond those in the filters of the associated modulators/demodulators.
Technical note:
These filters were swept with a white noise generator fed into the filter. The tilt of the above plots reflects the response of the noise generator and not the filters themselves.
Note that on the block diagram of the IFL system that there is a signal amplifier in the line: This amplifier is a 2N5109-based amplifier used to boost the level of the video signals from the IFL line. This bipolar amplifier is designed for very low IMD and good return loss and it is rugged enough to withstand any transients that are likely to make it past the protection networks in the IFL system.

The IFL audio modulators and demodulators:

These modules are currently being integrated into the system and there no pictures, yet.

There are three different types of IFL audio modules: The Demodulator, the Communications Quality audio modulator, and the Broadcast Quality audio modulator.

The Demodulators are based on the Signetics NE605. This IC is a complete FM receiver-on-a-chip. It has an input mixer, IF stages, and demodulator and RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) outputs. All one needs to do as supply a local oscillator tank (a crystal will do nicely,) a few IF filters (280 KHz ceramic filters in this case) and a quadrature coil. These demodulators operate with 10.7 MHz IFs using wideband FM. Their 20db SINAD sensitivity is better than 20 microvolts and their ultimate signal/noise ratio is well over 65 db. Their mediocre sensitivity is a result of the inputs being designed more for simplicity than sensitivity since the minimal signal levels will be in the hundreds-of-microvolts range, anyway.

The Communications Quality modulators are based on the 74HC4046. These are synthesized modulators with the '4046 serving both as the Frequency/Phase detector and the modulated VCO. They are programmable in 25 KHz steps and useable from a few 10's of KHz to 8 MHz. They provide only about 40 db Signal/Noise ratio (at a deviation of 75 KHz) owing to the noisy nature of the '4046. This is more than adequate for communications-quality audio and telemetry.

The Broadcast Quality modulators are similar to the Communications Quality ones in that they also use the 74HC4046 Phase/Frequency detector. Instead of the on-board VCO, they use an external discrete-component L/C oscillator. These are also programmable in 25 KHz steps and have been tested and found to perform as well as commercially-available subcarrier modulators.

Any questions?  Email to find out more.

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