The new WB7FID repeater:

The Audio/Video Demodulators and IF Processing system

The 70 cm Receiver System: Design Philosophy

There are many things that could be used for the receiver portion of an ATV repeater: A modified TV tuner can work well and there are also some ATV-specific downconverters available from various sources. I have personally used several of these and I have a few comments on each:

On the previous incarnation of the WB7FID ATV repeater we used a modified UHF varactor tuner. Several steps were taken to make it more useable for use in an ATV repeater (and an inband ATV repeater at that!)

This receive system worked fairly well. As you might realize, the dynamic range of this receive system was somewhat compromised by the fact that it was a TV-type tuner and because it had so much gain in front of it, but there was a significant amount of filtering in the RF systems so that only receive-frequency energy was likely to get to the front-end. With this system there was no detectable desense at all.

The 70 cm to IF downconverter:

Receive input filter, showing GaAsFET amplifier
Secondary bandpass filter with secondary GaAsFET amplifier, the High-Level mixer, IF amplifier, and IF lowpass filter Note:  Shielding has been removed to allow a better view.
The receiving system for this repeater is very modular. The input signal from the antennas, preamplifier, and filters is routed to this downconverter. This converter translates the 70cm receive passband down to the television IF passband of 41-47 MHz (45.75 being the video carrier frequency.) Why was this done? As I mentioned above, the normal off-the-shelf equipment has some deficiencies, primarily in terms of dynamic range and filtering, that would make them less-suitable for use in the front-end of an ATV repeater.
Receiver IF amplifier/LPF
Another look at the High-Level mixer, IF amplifier, and IF lowpass filter

The conversion of the RF to IF frequencies should be done with low added noise and distortion. The above-pictured input filter is a 2-pole bandpass filter with less 0.5db of ripple and low insertion loss.  It is constructed of UT-141 semi-rigid coax and a GaAsFET preamplifier, based on an MGF1302, is integral to its second pole. Its job is to further remove off-frequency signals and any conversion images (including image noise) from the first preamplifier.

This filter has 1db, 3db, 10db, and 20db bandwidths of 11.3, 14.7, 22.9, and 40.6 MHz, respectively, and is centered at 439.15 MHz. The relatively wide bandwidth is partially intentional: A narrower bandwidth would increase the insertion loss, and the wider bandwidth allows the receiver to be tuned to 434 MHz or 439.25 MHz LSB, if it is so-desired. The plot, by the way, is taken from the IF output port with the converter tuned to receive the 439.25 MHz input. The scale is 2db/div in the vertical and 5 MHz/div on the horizontal axis.
Receive converter filter passband
Passband sweep of the receiver converter at the IF output terminal.  This sweep characterizes the 2-pole bandpass filter pictured above.

The MGF1302 preamplifier is set up with a high bias current (to improve dynamic range) and it amplifies the signal further to minimize the effects of the mixer loss. The mixer is a Mini-Circuits TUF-2H high-level diode-ring mixer followed by a simple diplexer and a MAV-11 MMIC as the post-mixer amplifier. Finally, there is a 75 MHz lowpass filter to get rid of the mixer image and any LO bleedthrough.
Local Oscillator and Amplifier
Local oscillator, LO Amp, and Prescaler

You might guess that the Local Oscillator had to figure in here somewhere. This converter uses the Mini-Circuits POS-535 VCO. This VCO can tune from the mid 300 MHz range to the mid 500 MHz range. It has a reasonably low phase noise and an output level capable of driving a mixer directly... but not this high-level mixer. A MAV-11 MMIC is used to take the +8dbm (typical) output level of the VCO to the 50+ milliwatt level required by the mixer. Also shown in the picture is the divide-by 64/65 Dual-Modulus prescaler, an MC12032AP, which is an integral part of the synthesizer chain.

The controller provides a dual-modulus programmable divider and the synthesizer reference reference The synthesizer is controlled by a PIC microcontroller that directly programs the dual-modulus synthesizer (in 62.5 KHz steps) for the appropriate LO frequency and monitors and reports the synthesizer status to a secondary repeater controller via an RS-485 port. The secondary controller can then report this to the main controller. The PIC processor has on-board EEPROM (non-volatile) memory and can store default frequencies and operate as a stand-alone unit with no external control, a number of preset "channels" and other parameters. This is useful in the event that the receiver needs to be remotely re-tuned to provide a better fit of the passband of the received signals in the filters and/or escape some potential adjacent-channel interference.
Downconverter controller/synthesizer board
Controller/Synthesizer board

The Video and Audio demodulator:

In these days, the video/audio demodulators in televisions and VCRs is better than ever before. It is unusual to find one that does not use a synchronous demodulator and a SAW filter. This combination provides excellent performance at low cost. In fact, a synchronous demodulator provides about 6db (fourfold) improvement in signal-to-noise ratio over the older envelope detectors. The SAW filters provide a razor-sharp 6 MHz passband without significantly distorting the signal within the passband.
Audio/Video Demodulator being tested
AM Audio/Video Demodulator board (left) and electronic attenuator/amp board (right)

It would only make sense to use one of these demodulators, and we do. Prior to being scavenged from a dead VCR, the signal leads and power supply parameters were carefully measured and noted and it has been translated to its own die-cast box. The RF-AGC is output to the downconverter, and the audio and video outputs are routed to the appropriate IFL video and audio modulators to be sent to the transmitter site. The picture is of the incomplete demodulator undergoing some testing.

Yet another box...

The up/down converter section of the IF processor
The up/down converter section of the IF processor module

There is yet another box in the receive system: The IF filter module.  This module provides several receive system enhancements:

For more information on this module, go to the IF Bandpass Filtering of AM TV Signals page.

Keep watching this page, as it will be updated as time goes on...Do you have any questions/comments about what you have just read? If so, please email me and make an ask of yourself...

This page last updated on 20000814

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