The NEW WB7FID ATV repeater

Is now on the air!!!

(Well, sort of...)

Dale, WB7FID, on the transmit antenna tower after an overnight install session.  (note the sunrise in the background)
Dale, WB7FID, on the transmit antenna tower at the end of an overnight install session.  (Note the sunrise in the background.)  The 11 element "Provo" transmit antenna may be seen in the foreground.
Click on the picture for a larger version

Updated 27 October, 2005


We have something on the air.  No, it doesn't have a 70cm receiver.  No, there's nothing to watch other than a test pattern (when the transmitter is active) but at least we have the transmitter online.

For the time being, the transmitter is turned on/off  via the control link with the program material being color bars.  There is also an 23cm link receiver for use during NASA Space shuttle missions and special events as necessary.  Anyway, work continues...

For some other details, see the main page.

About the new WB7FID repeater:

This repeater is aligned with The Utah Amateur Radio Club, (UARC) the oldest amateur radio club in Utah. This repeater will that of 2 other UARC repeaters on the 9000 foot Farnsworth Peak in the Oquirrh (pronounced 'Oh-Kerr') range, 18 miles southwest of downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. This repeater is expected to cover the Wasatch Front from Payson to Tremonton with an output on 426.250 MHz and an input on 439.250 MHz, both horizontally polarized. Additional input/output ports are planned for other bands.

How about receiving the WB7FID ATV repeater at your QTH?  We strongly recommend that you use a 70cm amateur beam that will cover the 426 MHz range (a beam made for 432 MHz SSB use should be OK, but a 70cm beam intended for repeater use will work at reduced efficiency) and that it be horizontally polarized (very important.)  Furthermore, this antenna must have a clear line-of-sight view (no trees in the way, please!) of the Oquirrh range (where the TV stations are) and it is recommended that, as long as you are going through the trouble of putting up this antenna, you feed it with good coaxial cable.

If you live from Provo to Ogden, the signals are actually quite strong.  If you have, say, a 10 element yagi (or larger) then a reasonable length (less than 50 feet) of the larger (lower loss) coax.   If you wish to transmit with this system, then use no less than RG-8 (or, better yet, RG-213.)  Unfortunately, ordinary VHF/UHF TV receive antennas work very badly in the 70cm amateur band.  To find out how badly they work, read the Using VHF/UHF TV antennas on ATV page.

For a receive-only system, RG-6 cable (I said RG-6 and not RG-59!!!) is only very slightly lossier than the more-expensive RG-8 types.  What about the antenna being 50 ohms and the coax being 75?  Don't worry:  The mismatch won't cause very much signal to be lost.  How do you connect that "F"-type TV connector to the UHF or N connector on the antenna?  Well, this can be a problem - and you may have to be creative.  You will probably have to adapt the antenna to a BNC connector (with an adapter) and then use BNC-to-F adapter:  At this point you can attach the F-type connector on the coax to the antenna.  (Don't forget to waterproof the adapters and connectors with good-quality electrical tape!)  Some of the larger supply houses (such as RaElco in Salt Lake - look in the telephone book) have a wide assortment of interseries adapters and the may be able to get you directly from an F connector to whatever is on the antenna in one step.  Remember:  RG-6 uses an aluminum shield, so you cannot solder it into a normal UHF connector!

For more information about how strong the WB7FID repeater is in your area, go to the Receiving the WB7FID ATV repeater at your QTH page.

WB7FID ATV repeater system diagram/image map
Click on the portion of the drawing that interests you or select one of the plain-text links below

Transmit site equipment:

Transmit/Receive site interconnect: Receive site equipment:

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