The Scott's Hill site
GPS Location: 40 deg. 37.75' N., 111 deg. 34.08' W.
Approximate altitude: 9996 ft (3047 m)

Winter on Scott's Hill, early 1999.  (Photo courtesy Norm Anderson, KC7YCA)
 An aerial view of Scott's Hill from March, 1999.
The UARC building is the second from the left.
(Photo courtesy of Norm Anderson, KC7YCA)

Updated February 11, 2003

To look at a full 360 degree panoramic view from atop the UARC building, click here!
Building on Scott's hill - looking south - small version
The Scott's Hill site during one of the many work parties

The Plan:

UARC, the Utah Amateur Radio Club, is proposing to implement a linked repeater system to increase coverage of the 146.62 repeater. (Click here to read more about the Farnsworth '62 repeater.) The other end of this link will be located on Scott's Hill (above)

This site can see northeast into Wyoming, to the east into the Uinta mountains, and southeast toward Duchesne. This will provide coverage into Evanston, Heber, Park City, and many of the other high-valley communities in northeastern Utah. It should also provide better coverage into Cache valley than the current Farnsworth Peak site.

The site (on Scott's hill, which is west and north of Guardsman Pass) consists of a cinder-block and concrete slab building that has been abandoned for 20-plus years. The first order of business has been to secure the building, perform repairs and aesthetic improvements.  This work has already begun! Only preliminary planning has been done to date and, as the certainty of being able to secure this site was, until recently, in great doubt, we have not made plans to install very much equipment on-site this year.

144.39 MHz APRS digipeater at the UARC Scott's Hill site

A digipeater for APRS, the Automatic Position (or "Packet") Reporting System has been setup in the UARC building at the Scott's Hill site.  It provides APRS coverage, which is most often used for position tracking with GPS receivers.  When this digipeater is operational, it can relay APRS packets from people in the Brighton and Park City areas (among others) to the rest of the national APRS network, such as using the Internet server at  The digipeater equipment is not officially owned and operated by UARC, but UARC members are involved in its setup and use.  A contact person is the UARC repeater trustee, Tom, NY4I.

Related links:
    Past work party details on Scott's Hill.
    A query to lookup the Scott's Hill APRS digipeater and show its location on a map, with other interesting links such as for nearby stations and aerial photographs.  This can be used to check the status of the digipeater.
    The Utah APRS web site.
    A prominent APRS web site.  Many others can be found using search engines such as in this Google APRS search.
    A description of the 145.27- repeater, another repeater on Scott's Hill in a nearby building, with more pictures.