Utah ATV Home Page
Dedicated to Ham radio television
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The UARC ATV Repeater is once again carrying
NASA coverage of the space shuttle mission

UARC is pleased to announce that NASA coverage is once again available via the Farnsworth Peak ATV repeater.  This coverage may be seen with a standard cable-ready TV or VCR connected to an outdoor antenna (a true 70cm yagi is much preferred over a standard VHF/UHF TV antenna) and tuned to channel 58 with the TV/VCR set to cable mode.  (If you tune to channel 58 and just get spanish-language TV, you have not put it in cable mode!)

Important notice:  Due to on-site interference (on the mountaintop) the NASA feed may be unavailable at times.  While we try to avoid such outages, the extremely high RF radiation levels at this site make it difficult to anticipate all possible problems in advance.

How to receive the repeater's signal

Here are a number of articles about how one receives the signal from the repeater:

Receiving Space Shuttle audio:

The ATV repeater has been configured such that it is possible for someone with a 70cm receiver (such as a mobile rig, HT, or scanner) can hear the space shuttle audio.  These signals are transmitting continuously during a mission and unless someone is speaking or there is a program being presented, there may be no audio at all.

Please note that both of these signals are horizontally polarized and a rooftop vertical may perform poorly.

Featured articles:

IF Bandpass Filtering of AM TV Signals

Using VHF/UHF TV Antennas on ATV The "P's and Q's" of video signals So, you are thinking about putting together an interdigital filter... For more homebrew/construction articles, go to the "Making Your Own Stuff to Use on ATV" links (below.)

Other ATV/VHF/UHF related web-pages...
This is an annoying animated picture of a mailbox...If you know of others that we ought to know about, or if you have any questions and/or comments, please feel free to email us about it...

Updated on 27 July, 2005

ATV in North America:

The Tennessee Valley ATV Repeater (K4BFT) page

Arizona Amateurs on Television (AATV) Home Page  (This site has been erratic lately...)
Arizona Amateur Television Network

Amateur Television Network (ATN) - FSTV in Centeral and So. California
Bay Area ATV (WA6ZJG) (A remote-controlled tower-mounted camera)
The Microwave Experimenters Television System (KC6CCC)

Yes, there is ATV in Idaho!

The Southern Illinois ATV Group Home Page

Tampa Bay Amateur Television Society repeater  (Note:  This page may contain some cumbersome scripts and frames:  Click here to avoid having to navigate through some of them...)

Atlanta Amateur Television Home page

Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society (BRATS)

Detroit Amateur Television Society (D.A.T.S) (Projects, ATV info, etc.)

Minnesota Fast Scan Amateur Television (MNFAT)

New Jersey:
Brookdale ATV Repeater System Home page

Amateur Television in Pittsburgh  (You may wish to disable popups before going here...)
Philadephia ATV

Amateur Television in Central Ohio
The KB8GRJ ATV repeater in Xenia

KAT - Klamath Amateur Television

Houston Amateur Television Society (HATS) Home page
Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club (CLARC) ATV
North Texas ATV

Washington (State of...):
Western Washington ATV Society

The Badgerland Amateur Television Society (BATS) in south-centeral Wisconsin

The Saskatoon Amateur Radio Club (SARC) VE5ATV repeater in Saskatoon, SK
RARTV ATV - VE5RTV in Regina, SK

ATV in the rest of the world:

The OH3RTR ATV Repeater

The F1ZEN repeater in Bretagne
F4DAY's site has numerous articles about 23, 13, and 3 cm video and data operation.

Great Britain:
The Severnside ATV Group (near Bristol)
Robin, G8XEU, has a program that will generate a lot of ID screens and test cards  here.
The North London Television Group

SV2RR ATV page

The Slovenian ATV team  There are great links here to some really neat video and data-related projects!

VHF/UHF/Microwave/ATV-related Organizations, publications, etc:
Remember: The future of Amateur Radio is on these frequencies!
Amateur Radio Laser Communications - Using light to communicate.
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) - North America's largest amateur radio organization.
ATV Quarterly - subscription info, misc files, etc.
British Amateur Television Club (BATC) - Excellent online publications, etc.
Central States VHF Society - Promoting the bands 50 MHz and above.
Great Lakes VHF/UHF newsletter. - 'Happenings on the bands in the Midwest.  Beware the popups!
NorthEast Weak Signal VHF Group - Interested in weak signal work from 50 MHz to light...
San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS) - 'Advancing the world above 1000 Mc'
VK5KK's UHF/Microwave/ATV page - some good microwave-related links and info!

Where do you go for parts/kits/equipment/information on ATV/VHF/UHF/Microwave projects? Try some of these places:
Cushcraft has made all sort of amateur radio and commercial antennas for a long time.
DB6NT's Products (France)A source for parts, transverters, etc. (Up through the high microwave bands - >76 GHz)
Directive Systems is a source for various antennas and antenna components from 6 meters through 10 GHz.
DownEast Microwave These people have antennas, VHF/UHF/Microwave components, kits, transceivers...
M2 M-Squared antenna systems has a lot of antennas, HF through 23cm.
MiniCircuits Laboratories Mixers, MMICS, VCOs, etc. (Yes, they sell directly to the experimenter...  I think...  Let me know if you know otherwise.)
SHF Microwave A good place to go for Gunn transceivers and other microwave components
SSB Electronics Equipment for 50 MHz through 47 GHz!
RFHam  Another source for VHF/UHF/Microwave gear.

Making your own stuff to use on ATV:
Advice To Antenna Builders:

Most of these articles have to do with building antennas.  While antennas are simple to build, there are a few things to keep in mind: 

- When an antenna design calls for the use of a nonmetallic boom or a metallic boom, DO AS THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY! If you use a boom different from what is called for the performance of the antenna will suffer unless critical dimensions are appropriately altered!

- Always use the size or diameter of metal rod or wire called for use as elements in the antenna construction plans.  The use of a size different from what is called for will require recalculation of these element sizes to avoid performance degradation. 

In other words:  Be very careful if you substitute materials when constructing your antenna.  If you are going to the trouble to build an antenna, then it makes sense to obtain those materials called for.  If you are having trouble finding some of these materials, then look at other designs that might use materials that you can get.

And, as if you weren't busy enough: Whilst you are surfing, take a look at the Utah Amateur Radio Club (UARC) page.

Notice:  None of the above links or any content or products associated with them on this page are necessarily endorsed by the author or UARC.  No warranties are expressed or implied.  Your mileage may vary.